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A novel approach to Health and Fitness Edward Williams
Health & fitness in many ways is comparable to body sculpting. Most wish we could take the approach of the sculptor where our body is concern. If only we could simple add a little where we are lacking and chip away in other areas until we end up with the perfect Greek God or goddess body! Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. This is an illusion that has made plastic surgeons rich!(Nip n Tuck). Unfortunately the benefits of this approach is expensive and not enduring to say the least. If you would like to not just develop a pleasing physique but also develop a vigorously healthy painfree life there is only one approach that is guaranteed to get you there. But before we get into what that approach is lets take a look at what it's not! -It is not a magic bullet! -It is not a vitamin or supplement! -It is not a juice in a bottle! -It is not lazer! -It is not what you eat or how you eat! I can go on and on but I don't want to waste your time. So lets get to the point. The answer lies in understanding the various ways in which our health and wellness can be compromised. It lies in understanding using my language "The portals". The doors which we need to take controll of and make sure that what enters is good and condusive to good health and stand guard to block what compromises good health. And in those instances where such compromising entry cannot be avoided to empower ourselves with the knowledge about the powerfull antidotes that nature provides like free radical scavengers and many others. I know this sounds costly in terms of time and money. You are probably also thinking and what about those who can't afford all that? So in other words being healthy is reaserved for the wealthy! Well I am suggesting that is not so! I am so relieved to be able to say that with absolute confidence and if you are willing to empty your cup regarding this issue I would be animated to show you to your satisfaction how to not just develop a pleasing physique but also develop a vigorously healthy painfree life. Lets begin by looking at what I call "The Three Portals" To keep things simple the Three Portals are the doorways through which our body takes in what it needs and puts out what it don't need usually waste products from vital processes. They are 1)Ingestion 2)Inhallation 3)Absorption These are almost self explanatory. Ingestion is effected though the digestive system namely through the mouth. This is the one that got the most attention until recently when research showed just how powerful and direct the other two are. Another important note here is that the body has it line is defence here along the digestive track. Its not an easy task for even the good stuff to get in much less the bad. Yet for a long time this has been the focus of most health enthusiast to the point of almost totally disregarding the other two. Today's alarming statistics reflect the price we are paying for doing so. Inhallation is self explanatory. Worthy of note here is that when something toxic is inhaled the result is an immediate headache. This suggest that this portal has a direct connection to one of the most vital body organs The Brain. The fastest way to kill brain cells is by inhaling neuro toxins. Again statistics regarding upper and lower respiratory problems and concerns speaks volumes. Absorption is by far the biggest portal and the one where we are most vulnerable. The skin is the largest body organ and guarding it is like trying to police the borders of a large country like the United States. Whatever is absorbed goes directly into the blood stream and affects all the major body organs. We are only just beginning to understand and utilize the power of absorbtion with all the patch technology that has suddenly flooded the market place. Unlike the digestive track this one does not have selective capability so its just as easy to absorb what's good as it is to absorb what's bad. Now back to the approach that is guaranteed to not just develop a pleasing physique but also develop a vigorously healthy painfree life. It is about making sweeping lifestyle changes that has been made simple and so easy to accomplish by todays technological advantages. As a matter of fact it boils down to three principle 1) Applying the principles resulting from todays scientific research and clinical testing regarding nutrition. We have an amazing body. All we need to do is give it what it needs and get out of its way. It will take care of itself. 2)In addition we need to switch from sedentary back to active life style. This is a natural process and all we have to do is persevere through the initial resistance to change. 3)We need to remove all toxic chemicals from our immediate environment as best we can and surround ourselves with natural goodness that is available to us as a matter of choice. That sounds like a mouthfull doesn't it? Well I suggest that it a lot easier than it sounds. Stay tuned for the next article in this series where I will discuss how by joint venturing we can conveniently take advantage of capital resources far beyond our own and manufacturing based on cutting edge scientific research and clinical testing.
Ed Williams tel: 323 428 4558 ed@edwilliams.net http://.edwilliams.net ![]()