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Creating Healthy Sleep Habits for your Children Nishanth Reddy
This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding healthy sleep habits. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about healthy sleep habits to children. Healthy sleep habits for children are as significant as they are a necessary for health, proper growth and well-being. Children, who get sufficient amount sleep every night function better throughout the day, are more alert, and their concentration, performance and memory are better than those who don't sleep well. As well children with sleep problems are less likely to develop behavioral problems of any kind, moodiness, anxiety or depression. The needs of sleep differ from child to child but school age children in general require in the area of nine to twelve hours of sleep per night. Consider these things if you are unsure whether or not your child is getting enough sleep every night. • If he/she wakes up easily in the morning that is a good sign • If he/she is wide awake, energetic and alert throughout the school day then the nighttime sleep is sufficient. • If a child can fall asleep within a period of fifteen minutes to a half an hour than he or she is getting enough sleep It is significant to explain to your child why getting enough sleep every night is significant, not only in terms of his/her health but also for performance in school and other activities such as sports, music, playtime, etc. Bedtime Routines Above all else developing and following a routine before bedtime is the number one tip to encourage good sleep habits in your child is to. A routine is good for children because children like predictability and a bedtime routine makes it easier for a kid to calm down after their busy day, crawl into bed and drift off to sleep. A typical bedtime routine for a child should look something like this- a light snack, a relaxing bath, dry off and put on pajamas, wash face and brush teeth, read a bedtime story and then it's good night and lights out. Same Bedtime Stick to the same bedtime every night. An occasional change in the bedtime routine, such as when grandparents visit or during a holiday weekend is one thing, but for the most part, a consistent routine is best. Children's Bedroom Always make sure that a child's room is at a comfortable temperature and that it is peaceful and quiet. Also many children do not want to be left in the total darkness while they sleep so getting a nightlight is a worthwhile purchase to make. Stress Stress can cause sleepless nights for children so always encourage your son or daughter to talk with you about any concerns or worries he or she is having, whether they be family problems, school related problems and so on. You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about healthy sleep habits for your children. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days. Cut-off Time for Entertainment It is an excellent idea to devise a specific cut-off time for entertainment for your child, in terms of television, video games, and the computer and so on. It is not a good idea to have a television or a computer in a child's bedroom, as they can be easily distracted or tempted to play after they are told, "Enough for today." It is an even better idea to cease television, computer or videos an hour before bedtime in order to make the preparation for sleep a calm and relaxing experience. A child does not need anything stimulating before bedtime. Sleep Disorders for Children Children can suffer from sleep disorders just like people of any age can. Sleep apnea, insomnia, enuresis (bed wetting), bruxism (teeth grinding), asthma that is nocturnal in nature and nightmares can all occur in children. You make a visit to the doctor to decide upon a course of action, the better, if your child is having problems with sleep the sooner. Educate Your Child about Sleep Try to make the whole sleep experience as positive and uplifting as can be. Encourage your child to learn how to fall asleep on his/her own and not to need to rely on you. Research has proven that a child sleeping in a parent's bed runs a risk of them suffocating or being strangled and also fosters dependence to an unhealthy extent. None of these things are as likely to happen when the child is alone in their own bed. It is the kid who can be alone and fall asleep by him/herself who learns better how to cope with moments when he or she is awakened during the night. The only time that you might want to stay with your child until they fall asleep is if they are sick or extremely fearful. Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action. Nishanth Reddy is an author and publisher of many health related websites. Visit his website to know more about other Sleep Disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, snoring, restless legs, and narcolepsy. http://www.sleepdisordersguide.com ![]()