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How the Season's of God and his Word helped me to Overcome Breast CancerHow the Season's of God an Yvonne Brown
HEAL CANCER!!!! PRAY FOR A BREAST CANCER HEALING PRAYER The Season's of God and his Word helped me overcome having Breast Cancer. Our lives are ruled by the Season's of the year. This was my season Breast Cancer. This was written before I was born. My struggle for over a year, God revealed to me that this would always be a part of my future and Destiny. Heal Cancer!!!!! Pray for a Breast Cancer Healing Prayer By Yvonne Lee Brown November 18, 2005 Overcoming Breast Cancer with the Season's of God How I accepted the feelings and emotions of having Breast Cancer My husband and I go to a wonderful church. Our pastor is like no other. He is a great teacher. He teaches us how the Bible can help us with our daily lives. This book the Bible has everything for a Christian life. It deals with every situation and it gives everything we will ever need to know. The answers are in the word of God. Pastors teachings has helped me to get through one of the most difficult times in my life. This particular Sunday he preached on the seasons of the year. Our lives are ruled by the seasons. Each season has a purpose in our lives. Mans seasons are changeable and negotiable. Gods seasons are fixed consistent, reliable and not negotiable. Everyone has a different time span for their season. My season may be long and yours may be short. It is just what God has planned for us. All of your seasons follow in order just like they do each year. There are seasons of love, marriage, death, sickness, prosperity and success. Do you know what season you are in? I was in my Winter. It is the coldest season of the year. It is a time when you are tested. Winter is a time to grow through and not go through, Your winter may be long or short. It may be filled with the problems of snow and rain, and things just are not easy, emotional stresses, death, sickness and the pains of divorce. Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own. Do you know what season you are in? Then long came Springa time to take advantage of opportunities. It is a season for expansion. This is a time to plant seeds a time to grow. Spring is a time to give birth to new ideas and relationships. Your spring may be long or short. This is a time of great favor in your life. Too, forget the harshness of winter and start a new beginning. All doors are open to you now. The opportunity of college is opened and a new job or home. It is the time to buy a new car or even marriage. The sky is the limit for opportunities. Do not wish for less of a challenge pray for more wisdom. Do you know what season you are in? A long came Summer the hottest season of the year. It is a time to nourish and protect. This is the time for the seeds you have planted in the spring to blossom. As soon as you plant the seeds the insects and weeds of the world come to destroy. This is a time to protect all good things. A time to protect yourself from sickness, poverty and enjoy the harvest of prosperity and success. All good things will be attacked. Satan will try robbing you of your God given harvest. Successes are to be protected and celebrated. Do not wish for fewer problems pray for more skills. Do you know what season you are in? Next and last Fall this is a time to take responsibility and reap the activities of spring. Your fall may be long or short. Get rid of excuses of not succeeding, bad childhood, bad relationships and bad choices that you made in life. This is a new beginning to start to make the best of your life. Fall is a time to achieve Gods plans and his true purpose for your life. Do not say I wish it was easier just pray to make yourself better. Do you know what season you are in? I learned a great lesson from all of this. This was the greatest test of my life. Pastor's helped me to understand why this was happening to me. This was a part of my destiny, my journey with the Lord. This journey gave me my own testimony. I put all my trust and faith in the Lord that he would bring me through. It was written before I was born that I would have breast cancer. No one can change their destiny. Breast cancer was to be my destiny and my journey. I knew in my heart one day I would have a spring, summer and fall again. Then one day that spring came that I had been praying for. God had healed me.! I know now that God does things in my life according to the seasons. Each season has a key lesson to be learned to bring you closer to God. Thank your God. Do you know what season you are in? Many heartfelt thanks and love to all, my Husband, Family, Neighbors, and Friends. Much appreciation and admiration to my Pastor, our First Lady and Church Family. Thankfulness, praise and worship to God, thank you Jesus for sparing my life. About Author: Retired Verzion Telephone Company employee. I am a entrepreneur at heart and Network Marketer. A new web site owner of www.MyHealingPrayer.com This website is about cancer and how Prayer Heals. Trusting God in all things that he will work it out. This is a exciting new site with lots of cancer information and products and shopping. Stop bye and visit with us soon. !!! Our E-mail myhpwork@aol.com HEAL CANCER!!!! PRAY FOR A BREAST CANCER HEALING PRAYER
About Author: Retired Verzion Telephone Company employee. I am a entrepreneur at heart and Network Marketer. A new web site owner of [www.MyHealingPrayer.com ] (link: http://www.myhealingprayer.com) This website is about cancer and how Prayer Heals. Trusting God in all things that he will work it out. This is a exciting new site with lots of cancer information and products and shopping. Stop bye and visit with us soon. !!! Our E-mail myhpwork@aol.com ![]()