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How To REALLY Have A Good Night's Sleep, Part Two Dulce Azogue
Aside from the things previously mentioned in the earlier article, here are other things to consider to fight insomnia. IV. Sleep Restriction Therapy For some insomniacs, it is hard to fall asleep first with their minds racing. They may be in bed for 10 hours but stay asleep for 5 hours. In this type of therapy, patients are advised to reduce the number of hours they spend in bed to hours they spend in sleeping, until those hours are increased. For more information, go to your nearest sleep center. V. Melatonin For Insomnia? Another popular insomnia relief is melatonin, a hormone released by the pineal gland. Melatonin levels are high during nighttime, and low during daytime. It is stimulated by darkness and is suppressed by light. Advertised heavily on the internet, it is believed to be an effective insomnia cure, especially since it is naturally produced in the body and is responsible behind the body's circadian rhythm. People think that as they get older, their melatonin levels decline. But how effective it really is remains to be thoroughly studied, as findings so far are mixed. In one small study, however, it was found out that melatonin may help night shift workers sleep during the day. Dr. James K. Wyatt of Rush University Medical Center and his colleagues at Harvard Medical School assigned a group of people free from sleep disorders to be put on a 20-hour sleep-wake schedule, simulating a traveler crossing four time zones eastward every day. They were asked to take 0.3 or 5 mg of melatonin or a look-alike placebo pill 30 minutes before each scheduled sleep period, which lasted for 7 hours. People who took melatonin had longer sleep time during the day when the body doesn't normally produce it, compared to those who took placebo, the study found out. But when they were given melatonin at night when the body produces its own melatonin, no added benefits were discovered. Another factor that consumers must consider before buying melatonin is the fact that it is not FAD-approved. Its safety is not guaranteed, and its production is not closely monitored. Available forms in health stores may contain other substances and are untested for long-term use. VI. Sleep Medications So the abovementioned tips don't work, what now? Sleep medications may be your last resort when sleep is still elusive, but you should exercise caution. Don't view them as your main weapon against insomnia, because you will fail. While there are many of them in the market that seem promising, thanks to their companies' clever marketing strategies, sleep experts advise you to take them only in small doses, and only when all else fails. They are not for long-term use. Check for your doctor's advice before taking any drugs for possible interactions with other medications. They are habit-forming. Quit slowly or else you will suffer from rebound insomnia, the kind that will worsen when you stop taking them. VII. Conclusion While you may be experiencing sleepless nights, your insomnia can still be cured. Just go to a sleep center, ask for advice, and who knows, you'll be sleeping soundly again. Dulce Azogue is the owner of http://www.450healthtopics.com. http://www.450healthtopics.com is the latest word cloud page where you can improve their link popularity by linking your favorite word to your websites. Visit us now to claim your health-related word or phrase for only $0.10 a day for a limited time. ![]()