Placing Your RSS Feed On Other Sites

Ed Duvall

So you've created an RSS feed and it contains current
 cutting edge information in your field of interest. Now
 how do you get the word out to other webmasters who
 might be interested in putting the content from your RSS
 feed on their site?
 Just how easy, or hard, is it to publish your feed and have
 other webmasters pick it up and publish it on their site?
 If you've created your feed and validated it then most of the
 hard work is complete. Now you're going to get the word
 out about it being available.
 So what should be your first step?
 I think I would first give the search engines the easiest path
 to find your feed and index it. To get the search engines to do
 this you should add this short piece of html code to between the
  tags on the webpage that has a link for your feed.
 Be sure to replace with
 the URL to the RSS feed.
 Next, I would be sure to display the Feed on your website
 using a graphic. The basic RSS or XML graphic in bright
 orange rectangles, will lead people visually to the feed.
 Here's an RSS graphics tool that will allow you to customize
 a graphic for your site:
 Now that you have it on your site I would begin submitting
 your feed to all of the RSS directories and search engines
 you can find. The last time I reviewed them there was well
 over a hundred (that I could find).
 There is a large list of RSS directories located here:
 By submitting to directories and search engines you will
 be helping to increase the link popularity of your feed and
 your site.
 You can also use email to promote your RSS Feed. Simply
 include the feed url in your sig file on all outgoing mail. If you
 have an ezine be sure to include it in each issue. I would also
 go so far as to provide a link to a either or both a desktop
 RSS reader and a website reader for those webmaster who
 may want to use your content on their site.
 Another way to promote your feed is to include the feed on
 a personal or my.msn home page. This is probably
 the fastest way to have your feed spidered by Yahoo and MSN.
 If you don't already have an account and a personal webpage go
 to each site and create one. After you have created your account
 add your RSS Feed. In Yahoo, go to your personal page click
 on Add Content, then add the URL of your blog RSS feed into
 the Find Content box.
 A good point to keep in mind is to have content available in your
 feed before you add it to either of your personal webpages on the
 SE's above.
 To keep the search engine spiders coing back you can implement a
 simple strategy to let them know you have posted new material and
 it's time to come back. This strategy is simply called 'pinging'.
 You can let the main RSS/blog directories know you have placed
 new material by "pinging" them. Now you could go to each of the
 directories individually or you could automatically 'ping' all of them
 at once by going to this site:
 You type in your rss/blog URL, Click Submit and Pingomatic will
 send your ping to all of the large directories available on its page.
 Doing this will bring the spiders back to your site almost immediately!
 Be sure to add relevant content to your RsSS feed as often as you
 can as the more often you add new content the more likely you will
 be to develop more traffic.
 Once you've started implementing these ideas and strategies you
 should be well on your way to getting more recognition for your
 RSS Feed.

Ed Duvall is webmaster for and providing internet marketing
tools and resourcesto help you with your online business.
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