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Success Secrets of Nature ~ Keys to Wealth Kozan Huseyin
In this article I will be talking about the seasons and what they have to do with your success. Amply this article is titled remembering the seasons for success. So you may be wondering - what has the season for success got to do with your success now. Ultimately what we want in success isn't just one success, then trying again and achieving just one success. We want to be able to go in to flow states, we want things to work in an easy and relaxed manner and the healthy and positive way. We want to go with the flow and not cut against the grain. To do this we need to look out to a more wider choice. You see our habits and ways of working, are great when they have been worked for such a long period of time, but we need something more solid, something more predictable, something we understand naturally. The only thing that can allow us to do this, in any easier and relaxed manner and provide us with a system of reference which we are used to, and is easy for us to understand as that has been with us since the time of our birth. Nature is the ultimate place to look, and the best one to look at. Why? Why should we do this? Its quite simple really, nature and the one that is behind ruling it is a great mentor, because of its lavishness, its abundance, and it's great workings with time. Nature is so fathomed that every season is in complete perfection, every season starts at its appointed time, deals with what it is meant to do, and naturally flow easily into the next season. So we can take this knowledge and apply it to our businesses, our personal lives or anything where we are focused on at this present time and needs working on. So what of the season's and how can we apply it to understanding about our businesses and how can we improve to make things much better in this area of our lives we want to change or improve. We have: +Winter +Spring +Summer +And we have autumn (harvest) So let us take a look at what each of the season's mean and how they apply to your situation or business. Winter ~ Reflection, Dreaming Picture the winter, it is cold, it is dark, life has settled down - gone within, it looks like there's no life anywhere. Most of the time you look up and there's a grey cloud covering the sun. It looks as though there is nothing powering this otherwise summery, beautiful, green and blue planet that we live on. In the business sense or in any area of your life how does this equate? Having no money, no relationship, bankruptcy, dead end. It seems as though nothing will get better. So you're probably wondering, how is all of this go in to make your situation any better - if at the present time you can relate to this description of winter and how applies to your current situation. It so is perfectly well, and it probably is a good idea at that we began with winter first. When winter hits and none shall if you've lived any length of time you have found yourself in this position. The position where you say "Ow God, when will anything ever get better!". I'm sure you have had the time in your life when you was in a situation, and if you find yourself in this situation now, I'm glad you have found this information. You see, this is the ultimate thing to understand when you are relating your life with the laws of nature and the season's. Everything changes, even in nature! Whatever you're going through now or you remember the time in the past that relates to this analogy of winter; i.e. a rock-bottom, will surely pass. As winter continues it seems to get colder and colder, it looks like there's no way out. But now something amazing happens. Right at that pinnacle when you just can't go no more, something changes. Yes, it's cold and wet to, but, there's something different. The Suns out, birds are singing again, and life is about to do something amazing. . . Spring~ Plans, Beginnings The transition from cold winter changes, like stars to blossom, daffodils open their flowers. In winter spring time is the light at the end of the tunnel. As life springs so to do opportunities manifest in our lives and like the farmer who knows it's time to start sowing seeds, it's the time when we begin to feel energized, when Eurekas spring, and literally there's a spring in our step! Ideas start to flow, plans are made, and we are starting to go. Where are you? The reason why I asked this, is more for the people who find themselves in winter, so that you can see a pattern and become conscious of, and change your focus instantly, in the now. This information will allow you to break out of this pattern and provide you with personal freedom. Summer ~ Major Growth Now! The son is upon us, it is blisteringly hot, life is everywhere in full abundance. The huge contrast between winter and summer is quite apparent. Winter looked so barren, and summer is so full of life; it is as though a massive generator has been plugged in! The summer months in view of your business is a start where everything is working correctly, everything is as it should be. This is the domain of where goals are achieved, where money flows easily in and out, where you are in balance, where relationships are fulfilling, and you jump out of bed in the morning with anticipation for the day ahead. This is also the place where on those days you might just not feel like doing what you intended to do, but you say "Come on, it will be great!" or your running late, its usual time for exercise, but you say "Lets at least do some, lets do a bit, so we can keep on time, let's do it. That is the work of summer, as that's all it can be. The summer is where we ideally all want to be! Next something happens... The continual hot heat of the nice warm sun has caused the land and all its life contained to stop waxing fat, the day the act of goals achieved has brought us confidence and peace of mind. Dreams have turned into reality, the sun has settled down, and this gives us a point of reflection. We're obviously at the season of autumn, the season of harvest. The season where we can enjoy the fruits of our labour. The petals have turned golden brown, and maturity sets in. You may find yourself in the season, but the season for this area of your life could be totally out of sync with the natural rhythms of nature. It may be a summer and you've got a winter. This information serves to remind you, and enable you to get into a flow state, rather than go in against the grain of life. I hope this information has given you some insight and understanding. What a great time table to use as something as perfect, and which we are in tune to as the natural seasons. Have a great year, and to your success. Kozan Huseyin. Kozan Huseyin creating 100 millionairs by 2020. ![]()