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KEYWORD OPTIMIZATION AND SELECTION Keywords are the many different words that can be used to describe your website and what it does. Does it offer free signups, or no recruiting? No matter what is being marketed it is essential that you, the internet marketer has a basic understanding of your role in driving unique traffic to the website. The goal is to turn lookers into buyers who return to buy and send other buyers your way. But to get there, to drive traffic to your site, you must begin with a fundamental of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Keyword Selection. Keyword selection used to be a mystery to me. I would take a look at my site, read what it does and try to create keywords from there. That was such a painful process for me! I spent a lot of time utilizing the Thesaurus tool on Word © that didn't quite give me the SE friendly keywords I so desperately needed. Let me share with you a technique I picked up from another webmaster, the keywords you choose should be related to the main content of the page you are optimizing. Basically, look at some phrases on your page that relate to the product you are selling and free associate from there. Take the words from your page and build other phrases around it that are related to the phrase from your page. Let me give you a quick example: You own a web hosting service and want to generate strong, high ranking keywords. This can be done by optimizing your home page for the primary keyword (what your business does) and phrases related to "web hosting." The secret to successful keyword optimization is to select keywords that already appear on your page! You see, the amount of traffic driven to your site from the search engines depends on how widely searched the keywords you optimized and are ranking for. If you are a member of an affiliate program, pull up your home page go into the properties of the page and view the HTML code for that page. Cut and paste the info into your favorite word tool, and take a look at the keywords listed on the page. If using Word, hit Control + f count how many times a particular word appears. What is the most common word on that page? You can see it on the page as well. This is going to be your keyword(s) that you want to have optimized. You can also find out if the keywords you selected are widely targeted and searched for. Try these three techniques--- 1. Search Google (hyperlink) and check the number of results found per keyword you selected and compare this data to others in the same category. 2. Go to www.WordTracker.com and find out how popular your keywords are. 3. Or use Overtures Keyword Suggestion Tool (hyperlink). This tool provides the amount of searches performed at Overtures per month for each keyword you search. One last thing, before we leave this section, I can't emphasize enough on Keyword Density. Optimum Keyword usage is the goal we seek to attain. In order to understand optimum keyword usage, we have to have some way of measuring keyword frequency. Frequency is referred to as density in the SE world. Keyword Density is a measure of the number of times your keyword appears on a page—these appearances are shown as a percentage of the total word count of that page. Example: if your page has 100 words, and your keyword phrase appears 5 times, the density of that page is 5%. You can visit this site to check your keyword density--- http://www.live-keyword-analysis.com. LaTease Rikard is the author of 3 ebooks..."Secrets of Making $$ on the Internet;" "Writing Attention Grabbing Classified Ads;" "Website Traffic--How To Get It." For your own reports, email at info@photosbylatease.com ![]()