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Article Marketing to English Speaking People Trina L.C. Sonnenberg (Schiller)
Article Marketing to English Speaking People Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Have you ever noticed, in online communities, such as forums, that there are many people who are not native to English? Most, if not all, are attempting to market their businesses, products, what have you, to English speaking people. This can put them (you) at a great disadvantage; the lack of command of the English language. Of course, there are many English natives who lack command of their own language, but that is an article for another time. If you happen to be from a non-English speaking location, and are not fluent in the language, there is something you can do to more effectively communicate your message to an English speaking audience, without having to worry about your text being understood. When you are attempting to communicate with others through the written word, the writing is critical. You won't appear businesslike, or professional, or even educated, to English speaking people anyway, if you don't write well. (The same goes for you Americans out there, who pay no attention to how you use the language.) So how do you bridge the language barrier? Quite simple... You hire a ghostwriter, fluent in English, to do your writing for you. At the very least you can hire someone to proofread your writing and edit it for you. It will help you communicate mush more effectively with Americans and other English speaking people. Better conveyance of message equals more business, in most cases. The English language is a complicated one; especially when it comes to writing it. Just learning to spell can drive a person mad. Then you have grammar and punctuation rules, which seem endless. Why put yourself through the agony of trying to get it right? This is an area of your business that you can and should outsource; even by English speaking people. Most people think that if you can think, you can write. That may be true, but it is not accurate. Just because you can think, does not mean you can write so that others can read and understand. You must be able to write well. Hire a ghostwriter, or copy editor, to make what you have to say understandable. Freelance writers come in a wide range of specialties, and fees. You need to shop around a bit, but it will be worth it. If you are needing someone to just edit your communications, you should be able to find someone to fit your budget fairly easily. If you are wanting someone to write content for web pages, or articles, the fee range is vast. Don't let the cost determine who you hire either. That is to say, just because someone is expensive does not mean they are the best at what they do, and equally true too, that the least expensive are not necessarily poor writers. Interview potential writers. Through email and on the telephone, if possible. For one thing, it will allow you to be able to see if you can effectively communicate with them. Don't miss out on the English speaking market, just because you don't know the language well. Hire a writer, and you could very well take business from Americans who don't know the language very well. Copyright 2007 The Trii-Zine Ezine www.ezines1.com