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Dating Tips for Men: Grooming Tips vincent platania You’ve donned the latest fashion accessory. You have reservations for the best table at her favorite restaurant. And you know the doorman at the hottest nightclub in town. What more could impress your date? Well, consider your appearance? Does it stand alone without all of the extra bells and whistles you have to impress the ladies? Would she want to be seen with you? Do not underestimate the power of a polished, well-groomed look. It can take much further with the ladies than you think. And some of the best dating tips are all about good grooming. A Professional Appearance Never underestimate the influence of a professional appearance. It has a far greater impact on human relations than you might expect. This is because it operates at a subliminal level. Without realizing it, we generally gravitate towards people who are well dressed and who have a clean, neat, polished appearance. We listen more attentively when they speak, unconsciously believing that what they have to say is somehow more interesting or more relevant. We take them more seriously. We give them our attention, and we want to be noticed by them too. And on dates, presenting yourself in a clean, neat, polished package can only enhance physical attractiveness. So how do you go about creating that professional appearance? It’s really not that difficult. Take a look at these tips. Simple Tips To Improve Your Appearance · Take a good long look in the mirror before leaving your house next time you are heading out to meet your date. Make sure your hair is combed, your breath is fresh, and your shirt is properly tucked into your pants. · Smell good. Not necessarily perfumed, but just fresh and clean. · Shaving can wreck havoc on your skin, especially if it is sensitive. Don’t be squeamish about applying a moisturizer afterwards (Dad FULLER Ultimate Skin Balm). · If you sport a beard or a moustache, keep it shaped and trimmed. · People notice hands, so keep your nails trimmed and clean (FULLER Hand and Nail Brush). · Bring breath strips with you to pop into your mouth after dinner. They are more discreet than chewing gum or candy. · And don’t forget about your clothes! Remove that spaghetti sauce drip from your shirt immediately with the portable stain remover (FULLER Super Spot Remover) you remembered to take with you before you left your house. · Keep a lint brush (FULLER Reversible Lint Brush) handy too, to remove any visible lint, hair, dust, and even dandruff from your clothes. Simple grooming practices like these are essential for making the best impression you can on your date. And they are relatively easy to incorporate into your pre-date routine. You can be sure they will be noticed, appreciated, and may even lead to more dates in the future. In fact, good grooming should be a part of your daily routine regardless of whether you have a date or not. After all, you never know who you might meet at the bus stop or at the supermarket. Author Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit [ http://www.fuller-brush-products.com] (link: http://www.fuller-brush-products.com) ![]()