Yes! You Can Stop Smoking -- Even If You Don't Want To

Eve Heidi Bine-Stock

If you want to stop smoking, it will help to know what you are up against. There is a very good chance that you are addicted to the drug nicotine contained in cigarettes. If you are unsure whether you are addicted or not, give yourself a simple test: Stop smoking. If you are unable to stay stopped and have to smoke to feel comfortable, then you are probably addicted.

According to the Surgeon Generals Report on Nicotine Addiction, the addiction to the drug nicotine is located in the brain. Therefore, nicotine addiction is a physical disorder. The drug nicotine stimulates the release of the same neurotransmitters that cause the sensation of feeling safe and secure. The new nonsmoker must learn new, healthy ways to cause the release of those brain chemicals that promote a sense of well-being.

There are varying degrees of addiction, from minimally to extremely dependent. All addicts can benefit from learning stress management skills, and participating in a support group. There are numerous online support groups available, day and night, listed on

There are five stages of recovery from nicotine addition: the Fear stage, the Adjustment stage, the Anger stage, the Growth stage and the Maintenance stage. Many people who relapse are unknowingly experiencing the Anger stage. Just knowing that these stages exist can help the recovering nicotine addict navigate the sometimes rough seas of recovery.

Most people who try to stop smoking do not make it the first time because they do not know how to prevent relapse. When you crave a cigarette, you have a choice: You can smoke, or you can accept the feeling, I want to smoke then choose not to. The desire to smoke will pass whether you smoke or not. Just because you have an emotion, does not mean that you have to act on it. You do not have to do what you want to do anymore. An excellent technique to diminish the craving to smoke is to stop what you are doing, relax, and take three deep breaths. You can also take a drink of water, distract yourself with an activity, or discuss with a friend the feelings you are experiencing. Many people also find exercise and prayer especially helpful.

Withdrawal symptoms can be minimized by reducing the amount of caffeine, sugar and alcohol that you consume.

If you do relapse, do not let shame or embarrassment keep you from going back to your support group. They will accept you as you are, and help you through it.

There are a number of medications on the market to help people stop smoking which do not require a doctors prescription. There are nicotine dermal patches, nicotine gum, lozenges and various herbs. Other medications are available that require a doctors prescription and do not contain nicotine. These medications affect the brain chemistry to reduce the craving to smoke. They have shown to be beneficial in helping smokers become nicotine-free.

There are also various techniques available such as hypnosis, acupuncture and, most recently, laser therapy.

Smokers have stopped smoking with the aid of these medications and techniques. If any of these is helpful to you, use it.

However, even if you do use one of these medications or techniques, you still need to address your dependency on nicotine. For the addict, it is not a matter of just quitting smoking; it is a matter of recovering from the illness of nicotine dependency.

A good book will give you enough information and encouragement to help you stop smoking and stay stopped. Such a book is Yes! You Can Stop Smoking: Even If You Dont Want To by David C. Jones (E&E Publishing, $18.95 on You, too, can live happy, joyous and free without the need to smoke. Good luck!

Eve Heidi Bine-Stock

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