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7 Smart Ways To Magnify Your Profits ken hill 1. Write articles. Submit your articles to article directories and also get the word out about them by submitting them to article announcement lists. 2. Follow up with your visitors by email. For example you could offer your visitors an ezine, an email course or an email series that shares how your product will benefit them. You could also follow up with people that reprint your articles by offering an article announcement list that keeps them up to date on your latest work. 3. Publish testimonials. Your testimonials will help you to increase your visitors' confidence in your product. Post your testimonials within your ad copy, as part of your site's template or both. If you have lots and lots of testimonials, you could also link within your copy to a separate page that lists testimonials that you've received from your satisfied customers. 4. Use upsells. For instance, you could offer a discount on a related product in your email that confirms your visitor's purchase. While your visitors are checking out, you could also offer a special savings if they purchase that product and another related product together. In addition, you could offer your visitors free bonuses and a special price if they upgrade their purchase. For example, if they subscribe to the deluxe version of your membership site. 5. Use RSS. RSS can be used to syndicate your web sites content, or you could offer your lists by RSS. For example, your ezine, your list that announces your special offers, or your list that announces your new articles. 6. Provide excellent customer service. Get your customers and also your visitors' questions answered quickly, and handle any complaints professionally and use them to make your business better. Also take care of requests for refunds quickly, and make it your practice to smooth over situations where your customers are dissatisfied. That way many of them will continue to do business with you, and you'll be able to save yourself from any negative "word of mouth" advertising. 7. Offer a try before you buy. For example, you could give your visitors a 30 day trial of your software product or online service. In addition, you could offer a sample by postal mail of your shipped product such as a dvd in your series of dvds, or a sample of your candies, vitamins, or coffees. Include a quick a promo for your ezine or list that announces your special offers in your inserts and/or invoice. Also follow up with them by snail mail, by sending them postcards that promote your sales and discounts. Ken runs the Net Pro Marketer where you'll find informative articles on business, marketing, and ezine publishing. Browse through the articles or submit your own at: http://www.netpromarketer.com ![]()