7 Sizzling Ways To Boost Your Profits

Ken Hill

1. Use upsells.

For instance, at your point of sale you could offer a discount on a related product and have your visitors check a box to add it their order.

A good shopping cart will make this easy for you, and you'll be able to add to your bottom line by increasing the size of your orders.

2. Break up your price into smaller "easier to digest"  units.

For example, if your product sells for 28.99 a month, point out in your site's copy that your visitors would be getting your product for less than a dollar day.

3. Write articles.

Get more traffic and sales by writing informative articles on topics of interest to your target audience.

Submit your articles to article announcement lists, article directories and also to relevant ezines that accept article submissions.

4. Follow up by email.

You could publish an ezine, offer an email course, or you could increase your sales by offering an email series that shares useful tips and information related to your product.

5. Use RSS.

Like email, RSS can be used to successfully announce your special offers, keep your visitors up to date on your latest articles, and to announce updates to your site.

You can also offer your ezine by RSS.

And with RSS you won't have to worry about your ezine getting blocked or delivered to your reader's spam folder.

6. Provide excellent customer service.

You'll be able to show your customers that you appreciate their business, and take business away from your competitors whose customer service is sub par.

7. Split test your site's copy.

Increase your conversion rates by testing different versions  of your site against your original site's copy.

Add or change only one thing at a time (i.e., a new bonus or price) in your split tests so that you'll be able to  successfully pinpoint what new changes are responsible for your increase in sales.

Ken runs the Net Pro Marketer where you'll find informative articles on business, marketing, and ezine publishing. Browse through the articles or submit your own at: http://www.netpromarketer.com

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