Opt-in e-mail marketing:seven ways get started today.

Eugenijus Sakalauskas

 Opt-in e-mail marketing really can work for absolutely any business model. Even if you have no desire to create and manage a web site , e-mail marketing can still help you generate a substantial income. And if you have a website, or if you plan to take your business online, e-mail marketing will be even more important.

Below are seven ways that you can get started today. And remember that these ideas are just a starting point. Once you realize just how easy it is to drive sales  using email , you'll be thinking of all kinds of new ways to put the power of  email marketing to work for you.

1.Announce weekly specials. Once you've started collection the emails addresses of the visitors to your  website or store, you can send them weekly updates letting them know what  your weekly specials are. Make sure that your specials really are "special". Event if you don't make as much profit as you'd like off the special, you'll make it all up- and  more – with the additional sales you'll make to that customers down the road.

2.Host "Customers only " events. One of the best way to capitalize on the lifetime value of your customers is to reward them with special , "Customer only" events.  Set up special page on your site that is accessible only to customers and then send them an email telling them how to take advantages of the specials on  that pages.

3.Send appointment reminder.

If you are running a service business you can still capitalize on the power  of email marketing. One of the best ways to do this is to send appointment  reminders to your clients.

 4.Follow up with your hottest ideas

You can use email to follow up with those people who have not made a  purchase. You can dramatically increase chance of closing a sale by providing  with additional information that they might not have been expecting.

5.Send follow up offers

Follow up offers are one of the most powerful ways to build a profitable business.  You've already spent the money to get visitors to your website , build relationship  with them , established your credibility , and closed sale – so you've overcome  the obscure of gaining their trust.

6.Develop relationships by offering free information

One of the best way to help your customers get to know and trust you is to  send them something valuable for free.

You can offer a free newsletter , a free report , a free download…..whatever  you think your customers would like. Once you've captured their email address and established credibility by offering them valuable information, your chances of making sales to this people increase exponentially.

7.Encourage referrals

Make sure that every offer you send to your customers and subscribers  reminds them that they can forward your message to anyone they think might  be interested in what you have to offer. Better yet , you could run a promotion  that gives your existing customers and subscribers something for free every  time they personally refer a customers for you.

Email marketing will let you start earning profits by promoting other  people's products almost immediately . No matter what business you are in , no matter what you sell and even if you  don't have website yet – you can make money using e-mail marketing


Eugenijus Sakalauskas is an established ezine publisher and direct marketer who specializes in developing new ideas and methods on Home Business Ideas,Marketing,Recourse,Oppotunities http://ezine.pluginnetproefit.com/ http://www.pluginnetproefit.com Get FREE info: mailto:profitlist@aweber.com

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