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How To Do SEO for Google? [Part 4] Peter Gursky
In this article I want to continue discussion started at previous article about Search Engine Optimization for Google. Most techniques were discussed in previous three articles. Here I want to pay attention more on how to use those techniques. 1. Use a text browser such as Lynx to examine your site. When search engine robots crawl your web site they skip all tags on each web page. The only text stays. This text (content) is used to build search engine index. Search engine bots recognize some HTML tags such as new line tags, H-tags, B-tags, A-tags and others. Depend on the position and importance of those tags page get ranked. You can ask why Lynx? Because most search engine spiders see your site much as Lynx would. It is just plain text without HTML tags, JavaScript, cookies, frames, DHTML or Flash. That's why, Flash is not the best way to choose to develop your website. Flash websites ignored by search engine crawlers. 2. Dynamic websites: session IDs or arguments. Most dynamic websites use sessions IDs and cookies to track individual user behavior. Unfortunately, search engine bots do not recognize such things. Allow search bots to crawl your sites without session IDs or arguments. It will help to index all pages on your website. Don't use "&id=" as a parameter in your URLs, because Google does not include those pages in their index. 3. Content management system. Some websites owners use Content Management Systems (CMS) to manage their web sites. If you are one of them, make sure that the system can export your content so that search engine spiders can crawl your site. Read CMS specifications or ask appropriate service providers. 4. About robots.txt file. This file tells crawlers which directories can or cannot be crawled. Visit http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/faq.html to learn more about this file and robots types. After you defined robots.txt file put it on your web server. For example, for Apache web servers it will be httpdocs/. Robots will read this file when they visit your web site. 5. About If-Modified-Since HTTP header. This feature is not so important but you can save some bandwidth and overhead of you web site. If your server supports this feature (and almost all servers Does) it would tell Google whether your content has changed since the last time Google robots crawled your site. Make sure your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP header. I think, that is all for this article about Google optimization guidelines on how to help them to crawl your website to be indexed in their search engine. Of course there are more stuff to talk about. So stay with me and I will tell you more soon. Piter Gursky is internet marketing expert and work for LogicTechnologies.net. Visit ttp://www.LogicTechnologies.net for [free business website templates] (link: http://www.LogicTechnologies.net) to turn your website into money making machine. ![]()