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Take Responsibility for your Health and Fitness before Illness Takes Responsibility for you. 1 of 2. Damian Miles
Have you taken responsibility for your health and fitness? No. Then you need to. If you don't illness and lack of health will take responsibility for you. In this first part of a two part article, I explain your current health and fitness is a direct result of your actions and decisions. Who has influence over how fit and healthy you are? Whose decisions and actions have brought you to the level of health and fitness you have at the moment? The answer to both these questions is "You do" and "You." You are responsible for your health and fitness. You and no-one else. "What about my doctor, or gym instructor? Is it not their responsibility?" No! They are merely responsible for prescribing or advising in very specific circumstances, and usually to correct a problem. Correcting a problem does not create health and fitness, it just removes a problem. You are responsible for your health and fitness, not your doctor or gym instructor. It is very important for you to realize that the levels of health and fitness that you will enjoy (or suffer from) in the future, will be down to the decisions and actions that you take. It is your responsibility. Your current and future health and fitness is not the result of chance. You have got the results you have chosen, and you will have the results you chose. Look at these figures. Smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise reduces your life span by a decade (not doing exercise for 30 minutes every day reduces you life span by 5 years). You decide not to exercise, not to eat healthily, and you decide to smoke. You decide to die a decade early. You decide to exercise for half an hour a day, eat a good diet, and be a non smoker. You decide to live an extra decade. Your actions are like picking up a stick. You chose to pick up a stick by the near end, but when you pick up one end of the stick, you also end up picking up the other end. The two ends are inseparable. When you make a decision, you chose to act in a certain way today, here and now. You know the here and now result. The other end of the stick is often years off. The effects of your decision will be felt in the future but are for now out of sight (and out of mind?). Let me give you an example. When I used to smoke, I picked up the near end of the stick, i.e. satisfying my nicotine craving. I also unwittingly was picking up the negative health effects of the other end of my decision. If I had kept smoking, one of these effects would have been to possibly go blind in my later years (smoking is one of the biggest causes of premature blindness in the western world. It was this fact that prompted me to successfully give up smoking). So, you are responsible for your health and fitness results, and no one else. Where you are today is the direct result of what you have decided in the past. In the second part to this article, I will show you how you weaken yourself by not taking responsibility, and how you automatically empower yourself when you do take responsibility. I also share the FIRST BIG STEP you need to take as soon as you have admitted, "I am responsible." Damian Miles is a writer of ezine articles and ebooks, on the five key elements of any successful life: health, wealth, happiness, love, and security. Through his website http://dlmiles.co.uk he runs his weekly ezine and sells his ebooks and eproducts. His ezine "Think Yourself Fitter in Thirty Days." His ezine teaches how to develop the right attitude to health and fitness, an attitude that will almost guarantee you set and achieve your health and fitness goals. Damian is currently developing a workshop on Happiness, and training to run the 2007 London Marathon. ![]()